The Presidents personal bodyguard

The Presidents personal bodyguard

The Presidents personal bodyguard

The President’s Personal Bodyguard

The Presidents personal bodyguard

How Presidents Are Protected.

Many of us are familiar with the term “personal bodyguard” and often see them on television or in real life,

standing behind the president. However, most people do not know how personal bodyguards actually protect the president.

The personal bodyguard holds a position immediately beneath the president and operates independently of intelligence agencies, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or embassies.

A personal bodyguard is one of the highest-paid professions, with many personal bodyguards enjoying a wealthy lifestyle, complete with cars, homes, and other luxuries. However, not just anyone can become a personal bodyguard,

as this profession requires specific qualifications and traits.

The President’s Personal Bodyguard.

Personal Bodyguard Qualifications:-

  • 1. The height must be between 175 cm and 198 cm, for reasons that would require an entire article to explain.
    2. The weight should be between 78 kg and 88 kg, also for specific reasons that can be explained later.
    3. Perfect vision of 6/6 under normal conditions, and it should remain 6/6 after running 3 kilometers.
    4. The individual is trained at the age of 28 and begins their official protection duties at the age of 33, for reasons to be explained later.
    5. They must have extremely quick reflexes and be a fast learner.
    6. They must be very aggressive, with a loud voice, and prone to anger, creating problems over even the smallest issues, as aggression indicates confidence.

Training Courses for a Personal Bodyguard:-

  • – Physical fitness training, which continues throughout their career.
    – A two-month course on lethal techniques, such as breaking necks, arms, and legs.
    – A three-month course on the use of firearms and bomb-making.
    – Advanced technology training, such as infrared technology, which continues throughout their career.
    – Information technology courses, such as the use of wireless communication devices, which also continue throughout their career.
    – A two-year course in street fighting.
    – Strength training that teaches them to endure all forms of pain, including torture by fire.
    – A course on withstanding extreme weather conditions, even while naked in freezing temperatures or with low oxygen levels.

How the President Is Protected:-

Before the president travels to a location, the route is studied strategically and aerially to ensure a full understanding of the path.

Two minutes before the president’s car moves, another vehicle equipped with a mine-sweeper and explosives detection technology (remote-controlled devices) clears the way.

In front of the president’s car, there is a vehicle carrying five men armed with smoke grenades, camouflage weapons, RPGs, and medium-sized guns such as machine guns.

This vehicle is equipped with laser technology to scan the road and identify safe routes and escape plans. The vehicle following the president provides rear defense for the street and is armed with sound bombs and both defensive and offensive mines.

The Presidents personal bodyguard

Specifications of the President’s Car:-

The car is equipped with a range of weapons, including a small engine to aid in escapes, and is bulletproof as well as missile-proof.

If an RPG is fired at the car, there is a repulsion effect between the car’s metal and the missile, causing the missile to fall to the ground without hitting the car.

While there is a method to successfully target the car, it cannot be shared due to restrictions on discussing weapon use.

When the president enters a meeting, if a threat arises from the right, the bodyguard identifies it based on clock positions (right is 3, left and forward are 12, south is 6).

If the threat is from the right, the bodyguard tells the team “danger at 3,” places their foot on the president’s foot, throws the president into the car, and shields them to protect against explosions.

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