The guards

The guards

The guards


The guards**Bodyguards:**

**Bodyguards are people who fear mice and heights**

The profession of a personal bodyguard requires many attributes, from physical strength and well-developed muscles to mental capabilities such as intelligence, keen observation, high concentration, and predictive skills. A bodyguard’s strength and physical prowess can sometimes lead to impulsive actions, potentially causing significant problems if they rely too much on their physicality rather than their judgment.

Additionally, bodyguards, like many others, can fear heights or even the smallest insects. The role of a bodyguard is costly, as unlike many professions where individuals earn a lot, personal bodyguards spend significantly from their own pockets to maintain their physical fitness and the required appearance for the job.

Khadir Karki, a personal bodyguard who works in securing important individuals, says that having a strong body and well-developed muscles are fundamental requirements for a personal bodyguard, regardless of their actual use. In his opinion, these attributes are necessary to intimidate intruders and troublemakers, forcing them to stay away. Despite his large size,

Khadir admits that he fears what an ordinary person might fear, such as predatory animals or electrical wires. He emphasizes that having muscles does not necessarily make someone a good bodyguard, as these standards vary from person to person. He notes that there are many effective bodyguards who may not have a significant amount of strength or the typical bodyguard appearance.


Bilal, an administrator at a security company, agrees with Khadir, stating that in the field of security, the priority should be intelligence rather than muscles. He points out that if a personal bodyguard faces troubles or threats, and if he sees that the person he is guarding is in danger, he should immediately seek assistance from the police without intervening himself.

Bilal emphasizes that the primary role of a bodyguard is protection, not creating problems or endangering people, and highlights the importance of complete coordination between the security company and the police to manage any breaches of security or order.

The guards


Ibrahim Mabrouk, a personal bodyguard, confirms that this profession is costly and requires continuous training to maintain high physical fitness at all times to avert any dangers that might arise during working hours. He points out the significance of the bodyguard’s mood, which can positively or negatively impact their professional performance.

He stresses the need to separate work from personal issues, as, in his opinion, it concerns people’s lives and the protection of their property. Ibrahim also emphasizes the importance of focus, quick thinking, good judgment, and anticipation,

which he considers more important than physical strength. He mentions that open events are often the most exhausting for both the client and the bodyguard due to the large space and numerous people that may follow the protected individual, which is common with well-known personalities like celebrities and public figures.

Bodyguard Khalil Omar (28) trains two hours daily to maintain his physical fitness, which is essential for the job, and he consumes six carefully-calculated meals to maintain his imposing athletic appearance, noting the cost of his appearance, suit, and dark glasses.


Mahmoud Al-Bayeh, a manager at a security company, highlights the conditions required for a personal bodyguard, the first of which is being of an appropriate height to be able to survey the area from above. He adds that a bodyguard should be taller than the person they are guarding by a suitable margin. He also states that if a bodyguard possesses mental traits and significant intelligence, they could work in other areas like checkpoints or gates, where keen observation and quick thinking are necessary.

Many security professionals and company owners agree that a personal bodyguard should have well-developed muscles, even if they are not used, as, according to bodyguard Ayed Al-Muqarezi (29), it is a key feature that distinguishes bodyguards from ordinary people and is part of the qualifications needed for the profession. He notes that some clients may be muscular, and the bodyguard’s muscles should surpass those of any client. Despite not using these muscles except for protection, he believes they should be present to secure the client from crowd surges or admirers if they are a celebrity.


Here’s a brief overview of the role and responsibilities of security guards:

**Security Guards**

**Role and Responsibilities:**

1. **Protective Duties:** Security guards are responsible for protecting property, personnel, and assets. They ensure that premises are secure and that any potential threats are managed promptly.

2. **Surveillance:** Guards monitor surveillance equipment and conduct regular patrols to identify and address any security breaches or unusual activities.

3. **Access Control:** They manage access to the premises by checking identification, issuing visitor badges, and controlling entry and exit points.

4. **Emergency Response:** Security guards are trained to respond to emergencies such as fires, medical incidents, or security breaches. They follow protocols to handle these situations effectively.

5. **Incident Reporting:** Guards document and report any incidents or irregularities that occur during their shift. This includes preparing detailed reports for future reference.

6. **Customer Service:** In addition to security duties, guards often provide assistance and information to visitors and employees, contributing to a safe and welcoming environment.

7. **Compliance:** They ensure that security policies and procedures are followed, and they often collaborate with law enforcement and emergency services when needed.


– **Handling Fear:** Security guards, despite their training and appearance, can have personal fears and anxieties. For example, a guard might have a fear of heights, small animals, or other situations that can affect their performance.

– **Maintaining Professionalism:** Guards must manage their personal fears and maintain a professional demeanor to effectively perform their duties.

Security guards play a critical role in maintaining safety and security in various settings, from private businesses to public institutions. Their responsibilities are diverse and require a balance of vigilance, professionalism, and personal resilience.

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