Security men specifications

Security men specifications

Security men specifications

Security men specifications Specifications of Security Personnel

#### What Are the Duties of Security Personnel?
The administrative duties of security personnel in the state are defined as a set of responsibilities carried out by security agencies while exercising the right of public administration in the state. These administrative duties include the following:

Specifications of Security Personnel

  • – **Monitoring**: Overseeing individuals’ activities and behaviors.
    – **Guidance**: Directing individuals in a manner that ensures the protection of the state’s entire system.
    – **Precautionary Measures**: Taking various precautions and measures to maintain order and public health.
    – **National Protection**: Safeguarding the nation from smuggling, terrorism, and political violence.
    – **Information Gathering**: Collecting information on all levels—political, social, economic, and others—for government agencies.
    – **Information Analysis**: Analyzing, investing in, and evaluating information across various sectors.

  • Security men specifications

  • – **Investigation Participation**: Engaging in investigations related to both external and internal state security.
    – **Combating Illegal Groups**: Fighting against dissolved, secret, and prohibited parties and associations.
    – **Border Surveillance**: Monitoring land, air, and sea borders.
    – **Media Control**: Overseeing visual and audio broadcasting media, recording tapes, and other media, as well as monitoring newspapers and publications.
    – **Facilitating Foreign Visitors**: Providing assistance to foreign visitors, external missions, and delegations, monitoring them within the country, and managing all aspects of their stay and ensuring their protection.
    – **Regulating Traveler Movements**: Controlling the movement of incoming and outgoing travelers of all nationalities.

Judicial Duties of Security Personnel

The judicial duties involve enforcing sentences passed on the accused after all necessary procedures have been taken, which include:
– **Information Collection**: Gathering information.
– **Investigations**: Conducting all necessary investigations at the crime scene.
– **Evidence Preservation**: Safeguarding evidence found after a crime.
– **Legal Searches**: Conducting searches within the bounds of the law.

Security men specifications

Social Duties of Security Personnel

  • The social duties of security personnel include:
    – **Community Safety**: Ensuring the physical safety of local community members.
    – **Rehabilitation**: Reforming and rehabilitating convicts.
    – **Youth Protection**: Monitoring activities that corrupt the youth.
    – **Anti-Monopoly Efforts**: Combating monopoly and price inflation.
    – **Security Communication**: Providing security information.
    – **Conflict Resolution**: Mediating disputes.
  • – **Social Service**: Contributing to alleviating the suffering of citizens and ensuring the smooth running of their lives.
    – **Social Behavior Control**: Actively contributing to regulating social behavior in accordance with community traditions and customs.
    – **Promoting Well-Being**: Helping ensure a good quality of life and stable living conditions for community members.
    – **Respecting Human Values**: Upholding human and ethical values by applying the principle of justice to achieve a peaceful life.
    – **Legal Compliance**: Using legitimate and lawful means to encourage society to follow established behavioral norms.
    – **Public Welfare**: Achieving general welfare through youth care institutions, juvenile care centers, ministries of development and media, and vocational rehabilitation centers.

Basic Duties of Police Officers

  • The basic duties of police officers include:
    – **Crime Prevention**: Preventing crimes from occurring.
    – **Maintaining Public Order**: Preserving public order.
    – **Assistance**: Providing help to those in need.
    – **Prison Duties**: Responsibilities related to prisons.
    – **Transportation Duties**: Responsibilities related to transportation, such as railways and river transport.
    – **Vehicle Procession Monitoring**: Monitoring vehicle processions.
    – **Immigration Management**: Managing immigration, issuing passports, and permits.
    – **Lawsuit Duties**: Duties related to filing lawsuits to some extent.
    – **State Security and Intelligence**: Handling state security and intelligence functions.
    – **VIP Protection**: Protecting important personalities.

Duties of Security Personnel in the State

The duties and responsibilities of security personnel within the nation include:
– **Protecting Lives and Property**: Safeguarding lives, honor, and property.
– **Effective Crime Prevention Policy**: Implementing a preventive and effective policy aimed at crime prevention, enhancing public confidence in the ability of security agencies to maintain community safety.
– **Community and Environmental Protection**: Protecting the community and environment, and overseeing public processions on roads and in public places.
– **Transportation Monitoring**: Monitoring and organizing transportation, ensuring the safety of youth and children on streets and in gathering places.

  • – **Prison Management**: Managing prisons and guarding prisoners.
    – **Law Enforcement**: Performing duties and implementing legitimate official laws, assisting relevant official bodies in fulfilling their functions according to legal provisions.
    – **Knowledge Expansion**: Expanding the knowledge base of the security apparatus and equipping it with the latest tools necessary for scientific and technical advancement to uncover the truth.
    – **Law Enforcement**: Enforcing the law and upholding professional ethics.
    – **Human Rights Protection**: Preserving humanity and protecting human rights.
    – **Respect for Legitimacy**: Upholding the rule of law.

– **Non-Discrimination**: Avoiding discrimination.
– **Enhancing Security Awareness**: Promoting security awareness among public security personnel, characterized by:
– A dual process that combines several elements simultaneously, distinguishing it from mere emotional awareness, requiring thinking, analysis, statistics, and conjecture.
– Predicting criminal activity and taking measures to prevent its occurrence, mitigating its effects, and apprehending the perpetrators.
– Handling criminal threats and minimizing their impact after they occur and apprehending the offenders.
– Relative nature, varying with the conditions of place, time, and the personality of the security officer.

Specifications of Security Personnel

#### Professional Traits of Security Personnel

Security men specifications

  • The professional traits of a security officer include:
    – **Order Compliance**: Following orders and adhering to them, as they are the basis of security discipline.
    – **Cunning and Intelligence**: Possessing cunning and intelligence.
    – **Precision**: Performing tasks with precision, the ability to deeply analyze information, and drawing accurate conclusions.
    – **Enemy Language Learning**: Learning the languages of adversaries.
    – **Security Intuition**: Developing a keen sense of observation and the ability to connect events accurately.
    – **Secrecy**: Maintaining confidentiality and secrecy.
    – **Courage**: Demonstrating courage due to the inherent dangers in security work.
    – **Civic Awareness**: Knowing the civic environment of the region or state.
    – **Time Sensitivity**: Understanding the importance and value of time.
    – **Resilience**: Embracing challenges.

Security Skills of Security Personnel

The security skills required of security personnel include:
– **Listening Skills**: The ability to listen attentively.
– **Oral Communication**: Proficiency in verbal communication.
– **Risk and Crisis Management**: The capability to manage risks and crises.
– **Time Management**: Effective time management.
– **Weapon Use**: Proficiency in the use of weapons.

Weapon Use Skills

Public security personnel are entitled to carry weapons as part of their job when necessary and proportionate to the imminent danger in the following situations:
– **Self-Defense**: Defending oneself and others when they are exposed to harm, or to protect honor or property.
– **Arrest Resistance**: Apprehending individuals with arrest warrants or those resisting or attempting to flee.
– **Dispersing Illegal Gatherings**: Dispersing unlawful gatherings that pose a threat to security or order.

Specifications of Security Personnel

#### Moral Traits of Security Personnel

The moral and ethical traits of security personnel include:
– **Information Verification**: Ensuring the accuracy of information.
– **Patience**: Demonstrating patience.
– **Firmness and Precision**: Exhibiting firmness and precision.
– **Avoiding Ethical Ambiguities**: Staying clear of ethical ambiguities.
– **Chastity and Dignity**: Upholding chastity and dignity.
– **Wisdom and Forbearance**: Practicing wisdom and forbearance.
– **Gentleness and Kindness**: Being gentle and kind.
– **Dignity**: Maintaining dignity.

Training of Security Personnel

Training security personnel is a crucial part of preparing them to become proficient in their field, contributing to a sense of reassurance among individuals, and allowing citizens to appreciate the efforts of security agencies. Despite scientific and technological advancements in security devices, having a well-trained and qualified human element is essential for the success of security work. Without it, these technologies might hold little value.

Specifications of Security Personnel

#### What Are the Characteristics of a Security Officer?


– Security officers must demonstrate complete loyalty to the company and work diligently in the interest of the company. As members of the company’s family, their loyalty should extend to the sites where they work, ensuring the protection of lives and property within those locations. Loyalty primarily focuses on the security and guarding mission they undertake.

– **a.** Security officers must execute all permanent security and guarding instructions and directives without discussion, alteration, or deviation.
– **b.** They must adhere to the instructions and directives issued by the site supervisor without debate.
– **c.** Obeying orders and instructions is a fundamental trait of a security officer, leading to the fulfillment of clients’ security-related demands as per the contract with the company.

**Strength of Character**:

– **a.** Security officers with strong character can easily enforce security directives on others, commanding respect for these instructions.
– **b.** A strong character earns the security officer respect and appreciation from the client, which increases the client’s trust—a key factor for success.

Strength of character can be observed through:
– **Personal Appearance**: Maintaining cleanliness and proper appearance of the uniform provided by the company and overall personal grooming.
– **Proper Training**: Receiving thorough training before starting

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