Security in the Sunnah

Security in the Sunnah

Security in the Sunnah

Security in the Sunnah **Security in the Sunnah**

The Sunnah (the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) emphasizes the importance of spreading security and safety in society. Numerous hadiths and prophetic teachings highlight the critical role of security in the life of individuals and communities, ensuring that people live in harmony, peace, and tranquility.

One of the key teachings related to security is found in a hadith reported by Al-Tirmidhi, where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

> “Whoever wakes up secure in his home, healthy in his body, and has his daily sustenance, it is as if he has the entire world.”

This hadith underscores the value of security in one’s environment, health, and provision as fundamental blessings that are akin to possessing the whole world.

Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of not causing fear or harm to others. In a hadith narrated by Abdul-Rahman ibn Abi Layla, the Prophet said:

> “It is not permissible for a Muslim to frighten another Muslim.”

Similarly, Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

> “None of you should point a weapon at his brother, for he does not know, perhaps Satan may induce his hand to strike him, and he may fall into a pit of fire.”

The Prophet also cautioned against excessive joking and the dangers it can pose, as it can lead to enmity and conflict among people. Abdullah ibn As-Sa’ib ibn Yazid narrated from his father, who heard from his grandfather, that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

> “None of you should take his brother’s belongings in jest or seriously.”

Understanding the importance of security, peace, and tranquility as essential elements of a safe human life, the Prophet (peace be upon him) often included these themes in his prayers. Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet used to pray:

> “O Allah, cover my faults and protect me from my fears.”

Islam, through its noble teachings and the Sunnah, has emphasized the importance of security, peace, and avoiding hatred and hostility among members of society for over 1,400 years. These compassionate teachings have transcended time, with the Prophet even invoking prayers for security and peace when sighting the new moon. Talhah ibn Ubaidullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would say upon sighting the new moon:

> “O Allah, bring it over us with security and faith, with safety and Islam. My Lord and your Lord is Allah. It is a moon of guidance and good.”

This hadith, reported by Al-Tirmidhi, reflects the deep connection between faith and security in Islamic teachings, demonstrating how these values were central to the Prophet’s life and guidance for his followers.

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