Individual security

Individual security

Individual security

Individual security Here’s the translation of the content:

**Personal Security**

Personal security is crucial as individuals are among the most valuable assets that organizations must protect. However, individuals can also pose real threats to information security. Below are a series of procedures and recommendations for maintaining personal security:

– **Restricted Access**: Do not grant new employees high-level permissions to use systems or software immediately.

– **Careful Selection**: Select employees carefully based on specific criteria, especially those who will hold high-level permissions to access information.

– **Exit Procedures**: Define procedures for terminating services or changing the roles of employees working with information systems, such as changing passwords used by these employees.

– **Monitoring External Users**: Monitor interactions of external users and their methods of using the system and information.

– **Visitor Management**: Organize visitor access to the building, maintain a visitor log, and monitor their presence within the building.

– **Training**: Ensure that all system users receive appropriate security training that covers vulnerabilities, threats to the system, and necessary countermeasures.

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