General responsibilities of the guard

General responsibilities of the guard

General responsibilities of the guard

General responsibilities of the guard Here’s the translation of the additional content:

**General Responsibilities of the Security Guard**

**General Responsibilities and Duties Towards Their Work:**

A security guard should uphold the dignity and honor of their position, both at work and outside it. Their responsibilities include:

1. **Discipline:**
– Not accepting or soliciting bribes, gifts, or favors, or engaging in nepotism.
– Observing proper etiquette in interactions with the public, superiors, and colleagues.
– Maintaining personal integrity, patience, courtesy, and proper behavior in dealing with others.
– Being honest, trustworthy, and fair in all tasks, adhering to regulations, instructions, and laws.
– Avoiding abuse or exploitation of their position or influence for personal gain.

– Handling issues with skill and sound judgment.
– Presenting a professional appearance as a safety and security personnel.
– Respecting work authorities and the arrangements for operational activities.
– Maintaining calm and tranquility within the facilities and units of the site.
– Preserving the integrity of entrusted items.

2. **Commitment:**
– Providing assistance to anyone in need and helping those who suddenly fall ill or faint.
– Reporting lost items to their direct supervisor without tampering with them.
– Accurately conveying any received information to superiors and avoiding misinformation.
– Not discussing matters unrelated to their duties with others.
– Keeping the site clean and not misusing items in the room.

– Refraining from eating, drinking, smoking, or reading newspapers during shifts.
– Carrying and displaying their identification card while on site.
– Wearing the official uniform issued to them in a proper manner during duty hours.
– Dedicating work hours solely to their job responsibilities.

– Following orders issued to them precisely and honestly within the bounds of regulations and instructions.
– Maintaining confidentiality about any information acquired through their job, even after leaving service.
– Adhering to attendance and departure schedules and fulfilling all related requirements.
– Complying with procedures and instructions related to events held on-site.
– Remaining in designated areas related to their job.

– Avoiding damage, tampering, or disruption of site property.
– Being present during scheduled shifts and not leaving until a replacement arrives.
– Fully accountable for tasks assigned by their unit manager or supervisor.
– Performing security duties effectively during their shift as per the designated program.
– Executing instructions, decisions, and orders from the responsible authority without hesitation or delay.
– Not leaving the site at the end of their shift until the replacement has arrived and the transfer of responsibility has been confirmed.

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