Duties of the security and safety man

Duties of the security and safety man

Duties of the security and safety man

**Duties of a Security and Safety Officer (Guard) – Definition of Guarding**

The duties of a security and safety officer are critical as security guards represent the true front line of the institution for its visitors. The agency is committed to ensuring that security guards perform their duties in a way that instills confidence and reassurance in visitors that they are in the care of competent and capable hands.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of the management and supervisors of security services within the institution to ensure that guards meet performance expectations through effective supervision and daily close monitoring. The goal is to provide high-quality security services.

The agency’s security management continuously monitors the performance and general behavior of security personnel, maintaining constant communication with the management of the facility to ensure that security and safety requirements are optimally met.

Duties of the security and safety man

**Definition of a Security and Safety Officer (Security Guard)**

A security guard is a person assigned to protect a facility, ensuring the safety and security of its employees, assets, and property, and safeguarding them from theft, assault, or any material or moral harm. The security guard has the authority to apprehend anyone caught stealing or vandalizing within the institution or attempting unauthorized entry into a guarded facility.

The guard is responsible for maintaining personal security, the safety of the building, and all its equipment and contents during their shift (from the moment they assume duty until they hand it over to the next guard). Each guard is legally accountable if they do not adhere to the issued instructions.

**Definition of Guarding**

Guarding is a collective effort performed by individuals with high competence and security awareness at a particular location. Every individual must exert diligent effort, as negligence by any one person can undermine the collective effort and fail the overall plan. Hence, it is crucial for all security personnel to be aware of the necessary procedures they must take.

**Objectives of the Security and Safety Officer (Security Guard)**

– Personal safety of individuals.
– Protection of the facility (site).

**General Objectives**

– Ensuring the safety and security of individuals, buildings, and property in university units.
– Achieving safety and security across all university units.

**Operational Objectives**

– Familiarize oneself with the tasks and duties assigned at the site and the proper use of devices and tools provided to perform the task, adhering to public etiquette while on site.
– Maintain focus on the security task at hand without being distracted by other duties that could interfere with it.
– Implement security measures to safeguard individuals and the facility, in accordance with the scope of the assigned task.

Duties of the security and safety man

This is a condensed translation of the original text, preserving key details about the roles and responsibilities of a security guard. Let me know if you need more specific sections translated or further elaboration on certain parts!

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