Duties of the guard at the facility gates

Duties of the guard at the facility gates

Duties of the guard at the facility gates

Duties of a Guard at Facility Gates

Guard room specifications

Guard Responsibilities at the Facility Gate:

  • – Vigilantly guarding the site gate.
    – Keeping the gate barrier closed at all times to control vehicle entry.
    – Maintaining order at the gate.
    – Closing the gates after official working hours.
    – Recording the names of visitors and collecting sufficient information that matches their identification.
    – Ensuring all gas valves are closed, electrical currents are disconnected, and any machinery is turned off.
    – Not allowing any property to be removed from the site without written approval from the management.
    – Prohibiting entry to anyone who does not have proper authorization or permission to enter the facility.
    – If the guard is suspicious of someone, they must ask for a personal identification card to confirm their identity before allowing entry.
    – Not allowing equipment or other items to be brought in without proper documentation.
    – Only permitting authorized vehicles to enter.
    – Not allowing buses to park on roads or in parking passageways.
  • Duties of the guard at the facility gates

Other Responsibilities of the Guard at the Facility Gates:

  • – Ensuring easy passage through the gate without unnecessary waiting.
    – Avoiding prolonged stays in the guard room; the guard should regularly patrol in front of their assigned area to stay informed of surrounding conditions.
    – Immediately relaying any reports received at the gate to the operations room for further action.
    – Managing traffic around the site and preventing incorrect parking.
    – Inspecting the fence or barrier daily to ensure there is no tampering or cutting.
    – Not allowing any game equipment to leave the site, even for repairs, without an authorized exit permit.
    – Logging all maintenance and cleaning workers entering the building in the relevant record.
    – Monitoring emergency exits, removing any obstructions, and reporting any faults.

Guard Responsibilities in Emergency Operations Before Evacuation:

  • – Ensuring that all building occupants are fully aware of escape routes and how to use them.
    – Ensuring all escape routes are clear of obstacles and have visible signs indicating their location.
    – Ensuring doors and windows are closed, except for designated evacuation exits.
    – Making sure that all doors on emergency exits and leading corridors are open.
    – Securing buildings, sites, and facilities designated for the evacuation plan.
    – Checking the assembly point to ensure it meets sheltering requirements.

Duties of the guard at the facility gates

Guard Responsibilities in Emergency Operations After Evacuation:

  • – Activating alarm systems.
    – Contacting the relevant authorities (Civil Defense, Ministry of Health).
    – Shutting down mechanical systems, cutting electrical power, and stopping gas sources.
    – Extinguishing fires using available firefighting equipment at the site.
    – Opening water valves for the automatic sprinkler system to extinguish the fire.
    – Receiving emergency response teams and official representatives at the site.
    – Requesting that employees and visitors evacuate both indoor and outdoor areas.
    – Closing all building exits and entrances, except those serving as escape routes.
    – Assisting with road closures and isolating dangerous areas, both inside and outside.
    – Guiding those in the building to the nearest exits.
    – Preventing anyone from re-entering the building for any reason after the evacuation.
    – Organizing the flow of people and vehicles in and out of the site.
    – Assisting in transporting the injured and the sick.
    – Maintaining order and preventing citizens from crowding around the building, which could hinder evacuation efforts.
    – Preventing unauthorized individuals from entering the building.
    – Stopping anyone from leaving the main gate of the building until evacuation operations are complete.

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