The role of a security guard in your life

The role of a security guard in your life

The role of a security guard in your life

**The Role of a Security Guard in Your Life**


A security guard plays a fundamental role in the success of security operations provided by the security company. By following safety and security procedures, the guard offers peace of mind and confidence to the person in charge of security.

The role of a security guard varies depending on their task, whether it is protecting an individual, an institution, or securing an event or gathering. Their responsibilities include:

– Protecting buildings and properties, with duties that vary depending on the location they are assigned to guard, whether it is the facility’s gates, fences, yards, roads, or corridors. They may also be responsible for inspecting vehicles and regulating the flow of traffic (entry and exit).

**The Role of a Security Guard in Your Life**

**Procedures a Security Guard Must Follow:**

  • – Monitoring all employees, workers, and visitors within the facility according to their jurisdiction.
    – Adhering to all institutional rules and regulations.
    – Treating visitors to the facility with respect and courtesy.- Using all security tools, such as metal detectors, alarms, and maintaining surveillance cameras.
    – Ensuring that surveillance cameras are functioning daily and conducting regular maintenance.
    – Following all instructions precisely and maintaining confidentiality regarding their duties or the institution they are guarding to avoid exposing it to any security risks.
    – Punctuality in attendance and departure times.
    – Never abandoning their designated surveillance post under any circumstances.
    – Monitoring all entrances and exits of the building, as well as its units and facilities.
    – Familiarizing themselves with the site’s layout, including entrances, exits, emergency doors, equipment, and facilities.
    – Monitoring fire alarm control panels in the building.
    – Addressing any disturbances or theft that may occur at the facility.
    – Evacuating the building in the event of a fire and handling the situation.

A security guard has two primary objectives: ensuring the personal safety of individuals and protecting the facility. They are tasked with guarding the premises, protecting it from assaults, theft, and robbery.

This responsibility includes safeguarding the facility from vandalism, physical and moral damage, and ensuring the safety and security of its employees.

Read more: **The Roles of Our Security Guard**.


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