Security officer is the backbone of the facility.

Security officer is the backbone of the facility.

Security officer is the backbone of the facility.

**The Security Officer: The Backbone of the Facility**

Security personnel serve as the front desk of the facility and the company they represent. Therefore, they must dress appropriately, wear the official uniform, carry identification badges, and interact directly with the public.

They must also observe proper etiquette and behave appropriately with the public, supervisors, and colleagues. Additionally, they are required to follow rules, regulations, instructions, and laws, while demonstrating intelligence and rationality when dealing with problems.

The security officer is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of the site and ensuring the safety and security requirements of the facility.

This includes inspecting the site’s systems, such as electricity, water, and sanitation systems, and conducting regular maintenance and inspections. They are responsible for monitoring the site’s entrances and exits.

The security officer is expected to adhere to work schedules, fulfill all specific requirements, and perform daily tasks without leaving the designated work area.

After the end of the workday at the facility, the security officer must ensure that all doors and entrances are closed, electricity is switched off, gas sources for various equipment are shut off, and no flammable materials, waste, or equipment remain in the building.

These items must be removed as quickly as possible, and a report should be submitted to the relevant authorities.

Security officer is the backbone of the facility.

**What about their duties in the event of incidents and security violations?**

The security officer must take all necessary measures, including questioning suspects and referring them to the appropriate authorities if needed.

They must hand over any lost items they find to their direct supervisor without tampering with them, and relay all relevant information to their superiors without providing false information.

In the event of dangers or fires, the security officer bears significant responsibility. They must quickly evacuate civilians from the facility, move them to a safe area outside the building, and activate alarm systems after the evacuation.

They should also contact the appropriate authorities, shut off electricity and gas supplies,

and fight the fire using the available firefighting equipment on-site. Additionally, they must open the water valves for the automatic sprinkler system to extinguish the fire.

The security officer must also maintain order, prevent civilians from crowding around the building and obstructing evacuation operations, and ensure that no unauthorized individuals enter the facility.

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