Special qualities of accompanying personnel

Special qualities of accompanying personnel

Special qualities of accompanying personnel

**Special Traits of Escort Personnel**

1. **Desire and Readiness for the Job:** A genuine interest and readiness for the role.

2. **Commitment to the Role and Willingness to Sacrifice:** An obligation to the mission and readiness to make sacrifices, including the ultimate sacrifice.

3. **Affection for the Principal:** A genuine care for the individual being protected.

4. **Courage and Initiative:** The ability to act boldly and decisively.

5. **Patience:** The ability to remain calm and composed in challenging situations.

6. **Seriousness and Diligence:** A serious approach to responsibilities and attention to detail.

7. **Commitment to Duties:** Adherence to assigned tasks and responsibilities.

8. **Humility and Absence of Arrogance:** Modesty and a lack of ego or arrogance.

9. **Security Awareness:** A heightened sense of security and situational awareness.

10. **Security and Military Experience:** Relevant experience in security and military settings.

11. **Politeness in Conduct:** The ability to behave with tact and courtesy.

12. **Appropriate Age Selection:** Choosing personnel of suitable age for the role.

13. **Good Physical Condition:** Maintaining a good physical fitness level.

14. **Good Vision:** Ensuring good eyesight; individuals who wear corrective glasses for excellent vision are not considered unfit for the role.

15. **Normal Hearing:** Adequate hearing ability.

16. **Preferably Taller or of the Same Height as the Principal:** Being taller or of similar height to effectively cover the principal physically.


رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"

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